We are our own limit The end is getting closer. After 23 months in WHV Australia, it’s time for me to explore new countries, different cultures, and different kind of FOOD! During these 23 months I discovered myself a little bit more, I got jobs I hadn’t thought about before. Amongst my top 3 […]
Résultats de recherche pour : australie
Après 4 jours à Jindy, il était temps pour moi d’aller ailleurs. J’avais le sentiment qu’il me fallait aller à Thredbo situé à 35 km de Jindy au sein du Parc National de Kosciuzko. Aussi mon objectif était d’atteindre Thredbo depuis mon départ de Katoomba en auto-stop et de rester là-bas pour une semaine ou […]
Good things are always come to end… We are in Cape Rage National Park from the morning, to Mesa campsite. This place is a true desert where each drop of water counts more than usual. It’s only the morning and we can’t stay under the sun! We spend our first day to Lakeside where we […]
This time it’s good, I’ve all documents to go to Australia. The Australian Working Holiday It is easier to get this Australian Working Holiday Visa. You go here and you choose between Subclass 417 or Subclass 462. . . The first is for applicants as me who come from countries which participating in Working Holiday […]
This forum is a bible for all backpackers who want to go in Australia. You can find all informations that you search and also jobs, discounts, good ideas and good ways of travelling, … Currently I consult it about Working Holiday Visa to apply for it. I begin to use my time on this forum […]