
27 posts

WHV Australia: 23 amazing months

  We are our own limit The end is getting closer. After 23 months in WHV Australia, it’s time for me to explore new countries, different cultures, and different kind of FOOD! During these 23 months I discovered myself a little bit more, I got jobs I hadn’t thought about before. Amongst my top 3 […]

Sacred Ride: Partner New-Zealand and Tasie

. When I was in Jindabyne, Nicolas and Marty (co-owners of Sacred Ride) gave me the opportunity to earn a little bit of money. For the first time in Australia, I could link Work and passion: I work in a bike shop! I mostly hitch-hiked everyday between Thredbo and Jindabyne and my life was really […]

Sleep in a local place

. When I was in Katoomba, I discovered for the first time the Couchsurfing. It brought me a house, new friends and several outdoor activities such as Pack rafting, Mountain Biking and Rock-climbing. However at one moment I had a gap between two Couchsurfers, so I’ve tried something even more exciting: Be received by a […]

First Couchsurfing Experience

Katoomba est une petite ville à deux heures de train de Sydney, au bord des falaises des Blue Mountains avec le fameux point de vue sur les “3 sisters“. Trois semaines avant mon arrivée à Sydney, j’ai décidé de vivre une expérience différente à travers le CouchSurfing.