
21 posts

Les Alpes vues du ciel

Here is again an Arte production which amazes me over my lunch time! With the documentary composed of 15 episodes, “The Alps from the sky”  you gonna discover the most important mountains in Europe. You will meet ways of life and jobs as interesting than surprising which they will warm your heart or will make […]

Le déménagement

. Now that’s three years I’m living in Bayonne. Three years with meeting, sharing and memories. The day of clearing house comes ever more quickly. Nostalgia appears when you remove one by one the pictures of sunrise, this evening with your friends, this trip with them, postal cards from everywhere… Also we regret the excessive […]

Deux jeunes génies

At the moment, I’m doing research about free energy. I’m interesting about Tesla’s works. Nowadays solutions exist but our system hides them. Indeed, if free energy becomes popular, nobody needs to buy petrol, gaz, electricity,… For exemple: Magnetic Motor by Troy reed So I’ve found two young geniuses about electricity who explain many useful solutions […]

Deux séries françaises sur France 5 pour voyager autrement

Currently, France 5 broadcasts every Thursday from 08:35 pm two french series about new ways of travelling: “Nus et culottés” and “des trains pas comme les autres”. Nus et Culottés “Nus et Culottés” is an adventure of two wandering friends (Nans & Mouts) who travel completely naked, without anything. They count on the kindness of […]