Julien DIOT: Globeblogger in Outdoor Sports
Julien DIOT: Globeblogger in Outdoor Sports

Best Offline Travel Guide on Android: Triposo




What is Triposo?

Triposo is a digital travel guide such as LonelyPlanet. You can download Triposo app for the whole world or only individual Triposo app for each country you want to visit.Triposo combines useful information about cities, regions, background, practicalities and place to eat/drink, accommodation, activities and sightseeing.

Meanwhile the biggest advantage of Triposo consists to be an offline application really easy to use and free. Offline maps provided are not fancy but it is enough to locate a place or a sight or a tour agency you target.

The information you will get also depend if your location (or your next one) is regularly frequented or not or if there is an activity you cannot miss.


How does Triposo work?

Triposo works with Wikitravel, Wikivoyage, Tourist eye, booking.com and many other sources too. Therefore you will get reviews (if you are connected to a WIFI hotspot/3G network), pictures, locations, recent prices such as a dish at the local market or the cost of a bus ticket, travel time to your next destinations, all the possible options to go to your next location, how to avoid being scammed, new existing roads etc.

Triposo is well organised, intuitive and fast to give you the information you were looking for. I sincerely recommend this app as a complement with Orux Maps. I start using a lot both Triposo and Orux Maps in SouthEast Asia, especially in Laos where I don’t have a SIM Card hence no 3G. So far I could find an Internet access everywhere but I’ve only been in Laos for 2 days…

Triposo is an excellent app to define where you want to go in a couple of hours, where you should go in 15 minutes or change your plans considering every possibility and choose what fits you in 5 minutes. It’s what “traveling with no plans” means tho.