Julien DIOT: Globeblogger in Outdoor Sports
Julien DIOT: Globeblogger in Outdoor Sports

My mountain Bike with its trailer

My bike trailer test


Yes, I changed my point of view after lots of days of reflexion!
My travel agent made me realise to travel in hitch-hiking is harder in Australia than in France. That’s not impossible but if you make the choice to go out the driver’s car in the middle of the No man’s land to take an other direction, you take a huge risk for yourself.

So you can only travel from oil station to oil station, or from city to city. In view of this,
I decided to choose an other way to travel, a way than I master more than hitch-hiking and more relevant with my project: travel some weeks by Mountain biking to discover the Swan river, the Swan Valley and Perth Hills.

To do this, Perth and around have a huge cycling infrastructures and you can download all the maps on this website.I’ve all necessary equipment to life in full autonomy, Australia is really flat (more flat than the Pyrenees) and it’s cheaper way to travel while taking an awesome pleasure.

Indeed I’ll only need to water and food (and a gas bottle to cook in places where I won’t be able to allow to build a fire).
Also the danger of fauna will be reduce because I’ll use only frequented paths. There will be less animals, may be not less bugs…

Therefore summer in Perth is really not the right season to do this kind of trip.

During the Christmas week, the temperature was never fallen under 40°C from 10:00 am. So we can’t exercice for many hours. But isn’t not a real problem. I use the summer time to work and when the temperatures will begin to reduce (March, April), I’ll start my adventure!

Nethertheless I came in Australia with 20 kilos of equipment. My trip to the Pisserotte Waterfall with my brother became aware with more tan 10 kilos on my back, I didn’t feel easy when I rode my bike. So I bought this week a bike trailer to carry my equipment .


Now I’ve 3 months to find a Mountain bike between $350-400!

By curiosity, I invite you to search “Bike trailer” in Google image. You could be surprised!