Monthly Archives: November 2012

7 posts

Test: Watch Polar RS800CX GPS

Resume: . This watch is really perfect compared with my needs. Moreover I could not pay too expensive. The GPS is more accurate with a high battery life, it’s easy to transfer and share data on Google Earth. Lastly, the software Polar Pro Trainer 5 and the watch are very easy to use, efficient and […]

Well, tomorrow I take my train!

No big speech at the dawn of the adventure beginning. Anymay, my backpack isn’t ready. I always the time to do it, few hours. Well, I need to reserve my two first nights in backpacker lodge. Although I’m well enough organized, between friends, family, last administrative steps, I’m always “just in time”. But i’m not […]

New Partner: Atypik’s

I add another string to my bow: Atypik’s organization! This event organization looks for promote sport, culture and housing with out of step way, in order to answer in a funny way about sporties needs and theirs disciplines. Regardless sport, Atypik’s promises you to discover it in a new way with new sensations to the […]